
Website content writing tips that work

7th June 2017

Writing first-class content has become a key feature of every SEO strategy. But writing content is more than just filling a web page with keywords and links. High-quality content requires creativity and excellent research skills. Too many websites and blogs carry content that’s hard to read, not at all informative, entertaining or inspiring. But a good content creator should want to get the edge on their competition and add credibility their organisation. And you can do this by learning how to improve your writing. 

So why is quality content so important?

The best content creators know that good content is more than just having the facts or using spell check. Website content must always be well-written and well-structured. This way you can ensure that people will understand your message and stay on your website. This will help to lower the bounce rate and improve your search engine rankings. Content that reads well and free of errors will look more professional and trustworthy. Also, don’t forget social media. Well-written blog posts stand a better chance of being shared on social media and linked to from other credible websites.

SEO friendly content writing tips

Too people approach content writing just like they are writing for anything. But one size certainly doesn’t fit all. In fact, website content is completely different from print copy. To start with, not everyone actually spends time (or has the inclination) to read lots of text online. They want to get want they want and go. Your website visitors are often looking for specific information and generally make quick decisions without thinking. So, with that in mind, here are some useful content writing tips and tricks to help you:

  1. Do your research

Content is more competitive than ever before. However, you don’t have to browse online for long before coming across a lot of poor content. Content creators must filter through the poor content to find valuable resources to create more of the quality material. But remember, good research should start internally. Talk to people within your organisation. Find out what they are working on. What are the latest industry developments? But more importantly, understand what your audience and customers really care about.

  1. Concentrate on actionable and persuasive content

The purpose of most written content is to inspire your customers to take favourable actions towards your business. Therefore, your content needs to persuade readers to take action. Whether it’s opt-in to email or purchase your product or service. To do this, you must show you understand the challenges your readers face and offer actual solutions that can help them. If you give your readers valuable information, they will feel more inclined to do something for you. 

  1. Put your most important information first

It cannot be said enough that writing for the web is completely different to writing for print. Website content should always include the most important points first. Have you ever noticed how in newspaper articles, the most newsworthy information comes first? But if someone just reads the first paragraph, they still understand what the story is about. The big picture. It’s just the same on your website. Your readers want to know the big picture first. What does your organisation do? Or what can your organisation do for them?

  1. Write for scan readers

Not many people read every word on a web page. Most people scan read instead. Ensure your web visitor can understand your most important information by just glancing at your web page. You need to keep this in mind when writing your content. Here are a few things worth remembering:

  • Create a headline that communicates what you are about.
  • Use image captions to communicate a message to the reader.
  • Sub headings help to break-up text and summarise key points.
  • Bullet points are easy to scan and help reduce unnecessary wordiness.
  • Use short paragraphs of around four sentences.
  • Keep your sentences short, ideally no more than 20 words maximum.
  • Keep to the point and don’t fill with any unnecessary words or phrases.
  • Avoid using jargon, the passive tense and unnecessary repetition.
  • Address your web visitors directly with ‘you’.
  1. Make your website easy to find

You should want your potential customers to find you online quickly and easily. Your content is key to achieving this. If you offer useful information, then you can draw people to your website. That’s basically what writing for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is all about. Think about what questions your customers might ask and answer them in your content. Include links to useful and relevant pages on your own website and to other websites. Above all, remember to use phrases and words your potential customers use. Think realistically about what you use when you search online. For example, would you search for ‘cost-effective’, ‘cheap’ or ‘budget’?

Creative and quality content

Writing persuasive website content that delivers actions isn’t always easy. But certainly achievable. Think about who is reading? It’s crucial that you don’t patronize, but at the same time don’t treat your readers like they are academics looking for complicated essays. Quality content isn’t about being wordy, or showing off your extensive vocabulary. Instead, focus on who you are and what you do. If your make your position clear, it’s far easier to stand out online and easier to find. If your message is clear, it’s much easier to create persuasive web copy.

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