Is your Yoast toast?
13th March 2015
This week, Yoast, a popular WordPress plug in, used to create easily editable SEO fields, announced an update to combat a serious security issue.

Why WordPress?
26th November 2014
WordPress is one of the world’s leading content management systems (CMS) and for many the best possible platform for building your website on. As an open-source CMS there are thousands of developers around the world working to improve and build upon what’s already there. There are over 7.5 million websites running on WordPress and below […]

Drupal Versus WordPress for your Website
6th June 2013
There is a raging debate going around about these two content management systems (CMS for short). One will hear a lot of pros and cons about either platform, depending mostly on what the user is trying to accomplish. The statistics show that WordPress has far more penetration at a global level. At the same time, […]