
Inside Crush p. 6 – Digital Analytics

25th November 2010

Your website looks fantastic and the back-end is super easy to use. The site is optimised for search engines and you’ve synced your blog to your Twitter account. Surely that’s you sorted then, right?

Wrong.  Once our clients’ websites are up and running, we don’t just leave them to analyse the marketing results themselves. It’s taking our marketing whizzes a lot of learning to interpret them correctly; we wouldn’t leave our clients to just work it out on their own.

We’re dedicated to working with our clients to meet their long terms goals, through strategic campaign management. For every Pay Per Click campaign or Facebook viral, we use our extensive understanding of the digital field to present our clients with detailed reports, showing them exactly how successful the strategy has been.

Using Google Analytics, which is installed on all client sites as standard, we can explain to our clients how web users interact with the internet. More specifically, we can show clients how users have been interacting with their site. We can look at visits to all the pages on the site and work out which ones had the most traffic. We can then change the page order or change the meta data to maintain high traffic levels to that page whilst bumping up traffic to other parts of the site. We can add more calls to action on a particular page, which encourages traffic to click through to the end goal of the website.

We will sit with our clients and provide them with the basic knowledge they need to understand the benefits of our services. We’ll show them how Google Analytics can be used to see an overview of all the campaigns simultaneously and which is most successful. Using the tools, clients can set up different goals for their website according to whether their aim is to convert traffic to sales (as on an eCommerce site) or to contact (as on a brochure site). We can also funnel the traffic to see at what point traffic dropped out of the process and if there were returning visitors to the site.

After all of that, we’ll revise your digital marketing campaign, according to the analytics, to ensure you get the big bang from your bucks. Next week, in Part Seven, the last of our series on how the Crush team works, we’ll be looking at Mail Interactive, our email marketing tool.

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