
Increasing Online Brand Awareness

15th March 2011

As many of you know, Crush are an inventive bunch, always looking for innovative ways to help our clients with their digital communications.

One of our favourite brain childs is Vertical Blogger, an online application that allows businesses to increase their online presence and improve their Google rankings.

The system has a database of over 3,000 bloggers spread over a variety of topics and languages. This large database allows businesses to create multi-lingual campaigns targeted at niche markets; which is great for companies with several different products targeted at different markets.

Vertical BloggerVertical Blogger has dual benefits for both businesses and bloggers. Bloggers can make money through their blog while writing about topics within their blog sector. This can give them writing inspiration and help fund their hobby. The payments are created through PayPal for instant, secure payments. Bloggers don’t have to write once they’ve signed up; there aren’t any contracts to sign so they can decide to write on the topics of most interest to them.

Vertical Blogger is one of the only sites that allows businesses to access thousands of international bloggers; businesses can sort the bloggers according to language, country, Google ranks, and Alexa ranks to ensure you get the best blogger for the job. They also have the ability to review each article before it is posted to check the quality – if the quality is poor or the information incorrect, the blogger doesn’t get paid.

The website contains simple instructions for both bloggers and businesses to guide them through the registration and blog commissioning process. Visit it here to read more about how Vertical Blogger can increase your online brand awareness.

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