
Crush Launch Zebrafish 2011

19th September 2010

Crush is proud to announce their first site launched for exhibition and events organisers, In Conference.

The website – for the 7th European Zebrafish meeting – is the first of several sites we will be building over the forthcoming months for In Conference. Content managed by the client, they have full ability to control the content of the site, from images to speaker information, sponsor’s links to the registration process.

The overall aim of the design is to give a concise overview of the Zebrafish conference and location then drive site traffic to the registration forms. The site’s colour theme is taken from the main colours of the Zebrafish logo and deployed throughout the site to maintain consistency and a seamless user experience.

Because In Conference will require several of these sites, Crush have designed a special whitelabel, specific to their needs. Future sites will be built on this template and therefore have a similar layout and theme. However each site will have their own branding and will be managed from a separate administration system to prevent cross-over of content on In Conference’s sites.

You can visit the Zebrafish site and see the results for yourself: Zebrafish Meeting 2011.

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