
Inside Crush p. 3 – Digital Marketing

30th September 2010

Once the build is completed and the site put live, the website is handed over to our marketing strategy whizzes. Their job is to make sure the site is optimised to its best and implement a cracking digital strategy to increase the site’s visibility on the internet. This is crucial in getting the website noticed online and increase traffic to the site. Once the traffic is at the site, users are then directed towards an end goal –an action the company wants its users to take on the site – be it filling in an enquiry form, as on a brochure site, or buying a product, as on an eCommerce site.

Facebook and Vertical Blogger LogosThere are a variety of ways in which this can be done, starting with basic Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), which we do as standard for all our clients. If we’re building their site as well as marketing it, our marketing guys start their research before we launch the site. They’ll research keywords that web users use when searching for a clients company as well as keywords of clients’ competitors. Using the keywords, they create meta tags and meta description, which are designed to make the client’s website rank higher on search engines. They’ll also optimise all the landing pages and images, create an XML site-map and set up Google Analytics. We do all of this in order to guarantee your presence on the web; ensuring better web visibility and more traffic to your website.

This initial stage of SEO is done then as part of the web design and build. On top of this, we can provide: off-site SEO through link-building and our customised tool, Vertical Blogger; affiliate marketing; Pay Per Click; and Social Media Optimising including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, You-tube, Vimeo and RSS feeds. Not all of these are appropriate for everyone and which one you use depends on several factors including budget, target market and time. We’ll be looking at them all in greater detail in Part Four: Digital Marketing Services 1.

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